Manhole cutting and removal
Manhole cutting and removal - Subcategories
Manhole cutting and removal - Articles
1. Using the B-52 Cutter
2. Using the Platinum Series Six Shooter Cutter
3. Using the Gold Series Six Shooter Cutter
4. Using the Lifting Device
5. Using the Centering System
6. Using the Auger Drive Motor
7. Using the Auger Drive Motor
8. Replacing the Cutting Teeth
9. Replacing the Receiver Strip
10. Using the Cut, Pull, and Plate Package
11. Using the Centering Cone
12. Replacing the Guideshaft Lift Pin
13. Using the Mr. Valve Blaster
14. Replacing teeth and receiver strip
15. Replacing teeth and receiver strip
16. Using the Rental Package
17. Using the Easy-Slope Tool
18. Using the Mr. Manhole Rebuild Package
19. Using the XL Speedplate
20. Using the Smoothwall Speedplate
21. Video one title: Installing the Mr. Mister. Video two title: Using the Mr. Maister
22. Using the Lift adapter for the Cookie Cutter
23. Using the Newcon Auger
24. Using the Speedplate
25. Using the Quick Change Teeth Gun
26. Using the Safety Bar
27. Round Manhole Repairs vs. Square Manhole Repairs
28. Introducing the Gold Series Six Shooter
29. Frost Heave in Colder Climates
30. How do you adjust manhole frames/lids?
31. Why use a Mr. Manhole Cutter for Repairs?
32. Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Contractors
33. A Manhole shouldn’t be a pothole
34. Manhole repair systems
35. Mr. Manhole allows you to work year round
36. What municipalities need to be asking in the bidding process
37. Case Study: Ames, Iowa
38. Case Study: Van Wert, Ohio
39. The Cleaner Magazine featuring The Mr. Manhole System at work!
40. Case Study: Lexington, Kentucky
41. 5 Questions to Ask a Potential Contractor for Manhole Frame and Lid Adjustments.
42. Does the Mr. Manhole System Meet OSHA Silica Regulations?
43. How to keep your workers safe during manhole repairs
44. Mr. Manhole goes to China: Our 2019 Trip to Guangzhou, China
45. Hawaii Case Study
46. How to avoid injuries with jackhammers
47. Work Smarter, Not Harder
48. Introducing the Mr. Manhole Debris Shield
49. Providing Roadwork Solutions during the COVID-19 Crisis
50. The Importance of Timely Manhole Repairs
51. 5 Ways Replacing a Manhole Cover Benefits the City
52. If You are a Street Paver, Dealing With Manholes Wisely is a Must!
53. Manhole frame and Lid Adjustments Pay Off!
54. Why You Need a Specified Manhole Repair Method
55. Manhole Repairs Can Wreck Your Crew Safety Record
56. What does the receiver strip do?
57. Do I need a Skid loader with an enclosed cab to operate the Mr. Manhole tools?
58. Is it best to use a skid loader on tracks as opposed to one on rubber tires?
59. How do you thoroughly compact the backfill material with the Cookie Cutter system?
60. Can you provide a mount to attach the Mr. Manhole tools to my backhoe or other equipment?
61. Can I operate the Mr. Manhole tools on a piece of equipment other than a Skidloader?
62. Why do I need to roll the drive motor all the way forward before beginning the cutting operation?
63. Why is it important to keep the cutter level while cutting?
64. Is it possible to cut through steel reinforcing with the Mr. Manhole cutter?
65. Why does the cutter bounce when cutting?
66. How long does it take to cut out a manhole?
67. Can I rent the Mr. Manhole tools instead of purchasing?
68. How do I transport the cutter?
69. How can an operator minimize damage to the cutting teeth when encountering steel reinforcing during a cut?
70. Is it difficult to learn to operate the Mr. Manhole tools?
71. What equipment is best to run the Mr. Manhole cutter?
72. Water Valve Underslung Arm
73. Rental Package
74. Can I cut without using a Speedplate?
75. What is the proper cutting RPMs for the cutter
76. Can the cutter be used on a sloped surface?
77. How deep can the cutter cut?
78. What is the function of the extended Guideshaft?
79. Can I cut without using a Speedplate?
80. What is the proper cutting RPMs for the cutter