Mr. Manhole allows you to work year round

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Above is a normal everyday photo of a road contractor and crew taking care of a manhole, well, except it’s not exactly normal. If you notice there is snow accumulation and probably a little ice on the road. Typically this means no road work unless absolutely necessary which brings a downturn in business during the cold weather but not anymore. With Mr. Manhole you can have a large weather window and be more profitable in the winter.


Because the Mr. Manhole system is enclosed, you will not be hindered by severe weather conditions, this allows you to bid jobs year round and deliver with a job well done. You will be able to keep your crew working longer, great quality, and happier municipalities, which will continue providing more work for your business. The system’s debris containment system means you will spend less time cleaning and more time moving on to the next repair.

Large Diameter Donuts

You may also notice that the CAT is loaded with a large diameter donut. Your crew can use the adjustable Six Shooter to cut a diameter from 28” up to 72” with the Extended Arm Adapters. With a cutting depth of up to 20” with Extended Blades, you will be able to repair any manhole or even pothole issues without waiting for the spring thaw.

Increased Speed

While your crew may want the extra money the work brings in the winter, they may not be thrilled about being out in the freezing weather. Our system can handle the seemingly impossible operations in winter in a quick time frame so that you can get the job done quickly and get back into the warmth of home. You will also significantly improve the safety of your crew by handling a long tedious process in a matter of an hour or two rather than days. This helps to keep drivers and crew safe in icy conditions and avoid the cost caused by roads with holes and barriers in addition to the ice and snow.


Because our Six Shooter weighs 1,200 lbs, resistance is not an issue and the weight of the machine alone will carry it through concrete, asphalt, ice and snow faster than lighter machines.


24 teeth are included with the Six Shooter and it comes with 6 replacement teeth. The teeth are quick and easy to replace in just a few minutes allowing your crew to get back to work quickly.

Our patented system is a great way for you to keep your business active throughout the cold months when potholes and road issues become more prevalent. It is a fantastic way to grow your business and build valuable relationships with clients that trust you for a job well done.

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