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General - Articles
1. Welcome to the Mr. Manhole Sales Training Video Series
2. Round Manhole Repairs vs. Square Manhole Repairs
3. Introducing the Gold Series Six Shooter
4. Frost Heave in Colder Climates
5. How do you adjust manhole frames/lids?
6. Why use a Mr. Manhole Cutter for Repairs?
7. The Mr. Manhole line of cutter isn’t just for manholes
8. Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Municipalities
9. Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Contractors
10. A Manhole shouldn’t be a pothole
11. Manhole repair systems
12. Mr. Manhole allows you to work year round
13. What municipalities need to be asking in the bidding process
14. Case Study: Ames, Iowa
15. Case Study: Van Wert, Ohio
16. The Cleaner Magazine featuring The Mr. Manhole System at work!
17. The cost savings of the Mr. Manhole system
18. Stormwater Management, Inflow, and Infiltration Prevention
19. Case Study: Lexington, Kentucky
20. 5 Questions to Ask a Potential Contractor for Manhole Frame and Lid Adjustments.
21. Should you hire traffic control, or do it yourself?
22. The Difference Between Storm Sewers and Sanitary Sewers
23. 4 Benefits of Being a Mr. Manhole Installer
24. Is the Mr. Manhole repair system state approved?
25. Does the Mr. Manhole System Meet OSHA Silica Regulations?
26. How to keep your workers safe during manhole repairs
27. Introducing the Cookie Cutter System for easy, fast, and safe road penetrations
28. How to choose a reliable and trusted company for your next construction investment
29. Mr. Manhole goes to China: Our 2019 Trip to Guangzhou, China
30. Hawaii Case Study
31. The Danger of Air Hammers and other Pneumatic Tools
32. How to avoid injuries with jackhammers
33. Work Smarter, Not Harder
34. Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs: Common Claims and How to Avoid Them
35. Introducing the Mr. Manhole Debris Shield
36. Providing Roadwork Solutions during the COVID-19 Crisis
37. The Importance of Timely Manhole Repairs
38. Signs a Manhole Requires Immediate Attention
39. 5 Ways Replacing a Manhole Cover Benefits the City
40. Why It’s a Great Idea to Repair the Manhole Chimney Before Relining a Manhole
41. If You are a Street Paver, Dealing With Manholes Wisely is a Must!
42. Water Valve Boxes Should be Adjusted every Paving Cycle!
43. Cookie Cutter System for road penetrations
44. Manhole frame and Lid Adjustments Pay Off!
45. Why You Need a Specified Manhole Repair Method
46. Manhole Repairs Can Wreck Your Crew Safety Record
47. Downloads & Specifications
48. Do I need a Skid loader with an enclosed cab to operate the Mr. Manhole tools?
49. Is it best to use a skid loader on tracks as opposed to one on rubber tires?
50. I have a manhole lid that I can't remove, How can I remove it?
51. Can I get a demonstration of the Mr. Manhole tools?
52. Is there someone local where we can get this piece of equipment demonstrated?
53. Mr. Manhole equipment maintenance – how is it performed and where do we get parts for repairs?
54. Can you provide a mount to attach the Mr. Manhole tools to my backhoe or other equipment?
55. Does the Mr. Manhole system have good user manuals included?
56. Will I be able to unpack and hook up the Cutter easily?
57. What warranty do the tools carry?
58. How long does it take to cut out a manhole?
59. Where are you located?
60. What are your business hours?
61. Are parts readily available for the Mr. Manhole products?
62. How do I transport the cutter?
63. Should I store the Mr. Manhole equipment outside or inside?
64. What equipment is best to run the Mr. Manhole cutter?
65. SS Shoulder Screw
66. Hex Driver Black Oxide Screw
67. Swivel Knuckle - Auger Motor
68. Knuckle Pin - Auger Motor
69. Arm Peg - Gold Series
70. What is this part used for?
81. What is the purpose of this tool?
82. Measuring Caliper
83. Wire Tie Tool
84. Black Dye Bag
85. Pourable Sealant Gallon
86. Wire Tie Bag 17" Guage 6" Loop Ties
87. Solar Seal 900 Quart Tube Sealant (case of 12)
88. Volclay Waterstop Box (120LF/box)
89. Battery Powered Concrete Vibrator
90. Concrete Finish Brush
91. Concrete Float
92. Battery Powered Sealant Gun
93. Battery Powered Saw
94. search doesn't find this
95. Grip Spacer - Smooth Wall Speedplate
96. Roller Wide - Smooth Wall Speedplate
97. Thread Cushion - Smooth Wall Speedplate
98. Gripped Bar - Smooth Wall Speedplate
99. Hanger - Smooth Wall Speedplate
100. Roller Support - Smooth Wall Speedplate
101. Narrow Web - Smooth Wall Speedplate
102. Roller - Smooth Wall Speedplate
103. Wide Web - Smooth Wall Speedplate
104. Screw - Smooth Wall Speedplate
105. Base - Smooth Wall
106. DeWalt DCB205 Compatible 20V Battery (PKG of 2)
107. DeWalt Compatible Charger 20V
108. 1 1/4" X 12" Masonry Bit
109. Cookie Cutter Chain Sling
110. Lift Point / Bump Block
121. Wing Bolt - Mark Rite
122. Spider RH - Mark Rite
123. T-Handle - Mark Rite
124. Marker Arm - Mark Rite
125. Newcon Plate 38"
126. Auger Tip - Regular
127. What is this used for?
128. Mr. Valve Centering Cone Reducer Ring
129. Heavy Duty Auger Drive Model 40 2" Hex Drive
130. Pull Pin - Locking w/T-Handle (All Speedplates)
131. Locking Pin
132. Pin Retainer Strap - Platinum
133. 1/4" Roll Pin Punch Tool
134. Casting Lifter Handle Extension - Platinum
135. Adjusting Wheel - All Speedplates
136. Threaded Rod - Standard Speedplate
137. Base - Standard Speedplate
138. Wide Fork - Standard Speedplate
139. Narrow Fork - Standard Speedplate
140. Rubber Damper Sleeve - Platinum
141. Hex Vibration Cushion
142. Arm Retainer Pin
143. Arm - Platinum
144. Easy Drive Spacer
145. Roll Pin Removal Tool (Red)
146. Roll Pin Install Tool (Green)
147. T-Handle - Casting Lifter & Easyslope
148. Heavy Duty Auger Drive Model 40 2.5" Hex Drive
149. Hitch Pin w/Lanyard
150. Hanger Short - Standard Speedplate and XL
161. What is the function of this excavator top?
162. T-Stop
163. Filler - Platinum
164. Speedplate Transport Hub Kit - Gold & B-52
165. Cut, Pull and Plate Package
166. Main Frame Kit - B-52
167. Main Frame Kit - Platinum Series
168. Main Frame Kit - Gold Series
169. Hook Long - Casting Lifter
170. Hook Short - Casting Lifter
171. Spray Nozzle Kit - Mr. Mister
172. Newcon Auger Tooth
173. Arm Adapter 6" Kit - Gold Series & B-52
174. Speedplate Transport Hub - Platinum
175. Extended Guide Shaft Platinum Series 51"
176. Standard Guide Shaft Platinum Series 39"
177. Extended Guide Shaft Gold Series & B-52 47"
178. Standard Guide Shaft Gold Series & B-52 35"
179. Debris Prevention System Package
180. Water Valve Underslung Arm
181. Top Drive 2 1/2" Kit - Gold Series
182. Top Drive 2" Kit - B-52
183. Bottom Drive Kit - B-52, Gold Series, & Platinum Series
184. How does the Easydrive top work?
185. Rubber Mat
186. Water Valve Rebuild Package
187. What if the Magnet will not lift the manhole lid from the frame?
188. Guide Shaft Lifting Pin & Spring Pin Kit
189. SS Socket Shoulder Bolt
190. Debris Pan Foot
191. Debris Pan Top 21"
192. Cutter Blade - Platinum (Teeth Included)
193. How does the debris shield work?
194. Why do I need the spare parts repair kit?
195. Why is the leg adjustable?
196. Why should I store the cutter on the legs instead of just laying it on the ground?
197. Why is the leg adjustable?
198. Why are the cutter legs adjustable?
199. How long does the hitch pin last?
200. Why are the cutter legs adjustable?