4 Benefits of Being a Mr. Manhole Installer

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In the modern day, there is no reason for municipalities and contractors to use old methods of manhole repair, especially when a more cost-effective and efficient method is available. No matter how big your team is, you can still benefit from reduced labor time, reduced costs and more safety.

Our philosophy is that a manhole shouldn’t be a pothole. By becoming a Mr. Manhole installer, you are putting that philosophy into action. To help you understand how our system puts the philosophy into action, here are 4 of the top benefits of using the Mr. Manhole system.

Cost Savings

To begin, our system of round manhole repairs eliminate the traditional method of square repairs. Compared to square repairs, round manhole frames use 20% less material. Less time and less material means lower costs.

The system also saves considerable money on labor costs. For example, a team of five could finish a traditional manhole repair in about 5 hours. Multiply the wages per team member per hour and you have 5 times what the Mr. Manhole method would cost. Our method only requires 1 hour of labor. The manhole cutting process can take as little as ten minutes on its own.

Round Manhole Repairs

There are several advantages to using our method of round manhole repairs, and the reduced cost is one of them. But there are more benefits to a round collar, such as:

  • Circular reinforcing rods allow perfect placement and max strength.
  • More aesthetically pleasing.
  • Less likely to be damaged by freezing weather.
  • No corners and reduced length of moment arm = minimized destructive forces.

To learn more about advantages of round manhole collars, be sure to read Round Manhole Repairs Vs. Square Manhole Repairs.

Warranty for Mr. Manhole Tools

When you purchase our tools, you are also receiving a sizable warranty. Learn more here.

On top of our warranty, we also sell quality replacement parts for the Mr. Manhole cutters and tools. Replacement parts help you get the absolute most out of our tools, and saves you money, especially in the long run.

Easy-to-Operate Tools and Training

Our tools are easy to operate, and the Mr. Manhole cutters are designed to work with skid steer loaders. This helps the operator watch closely as the job is being done. In addition, our cutters can remove a manhole from the road in just 10 minutes.

As mentioned, our cutter does all the work of removing the manhole frame, reducing the labor needed. This makes your project both easier and cost-effective.

Training for our tools is easily available online at the training center. Product overviews and specs can also be easily found on the site.

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