Cookie Cutter System for road penetrations

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“Road Penetrations Done Right!”

Modern roadways are engineering marvels. They are subjected to the abuse of thousands of trucks and automobiles pounding over them day in and day out. They survive the harsh elements of winter cold and summer heat. This amazing durability is no accident but the result of sophisticated, time proven engineering. The contractors who perform road construction are highly skilled technicians using state of the art equipment and following a rigid protocol. The work is meticulously inspected and documented.

Under these artfully crafted roads lie much of the infrastructure that allows society to work. Often something goes wrong with a pipe or wire that makes up the infrastructure and workers have to remove a section of the road and excavate to expose the utility for repair.

There are just a few ways this has been accomplished to date. Typically a large concrete/asphalt saw is used to cut a square in the road over the affected utility. An air hammer is used to break the pavement out. An excavator or backhoe is brought in to scoop out the area and expose the utility. Silica dust particles are created and must be controlled according to new OSHA rules. This involves either air filtration machines or water misting or both and is expensive and time consuming.

This process is lengthy and disruptive to traffic. Repairs are never convenient and always impede traffic flow. Workers are in the danger zone during the process.

Mr. Manhole has invented a new method for road penetrations.

The method is quick, safe, economical, fully engineered, and leaves a beautiful round repair every time. The method employs a round coring machine that attaches to a skid loader like the ones owned by every municipality or contractor. In addition the system uses a vacuum excavator that most cities already own.

In recent years vacuum excavation has gained popularity. Vacuum excavation is high pressure air or water blasted into the dirt or stone to loosen it and a large vacuum tube/hose immediately sucking up the rubble. There are some major advantages to vacuum excavating. Number one, it’s faster, the material is loosened, removed, and loaded directly. Nothing is piled on the street or dropped. Number two, It is protective of the utility. A skilled operator can quickly expose a pipe or wire and clean it in preparation for repair without damaging it.

This new method is presented with a full engineering Specification 
ensuring a high quality repeatable road penetration and restoration every time.

Using the Cookie Cutter system is very simple indeed. Simply drill a 1.25” diameter hole over the affected utility using the included battery powered drill. Cut a 74” Cookie through asphalt or concrete in minutes with the Cutter that mounts on a skid loader.

cookie cutter system lifter

The operator is protected from silica via the Mr. Mister included on the cutter.

The Cookie is lifted directly on a waiting truck via the Cookie Lifter included in the Package. A round personnel protection cage (certified to ten ft. deep) is placed in the excavation and vacuum excavating begins. The cage slides into place as the excavation is deepened and holds adjacent fill in place. The utility is exposed and repaired as needed.

The backfill process is well engineered and ensures adequate compaction of fill material leading to a reliable repair at the road surface. The area directly over and around the utility is restored following guidelines established by the utility owner. This includes any coverings or sand etc. needed to directly preserve the utility. From this stage up the excavation is raised in six inch compacted lifts using approved fill and raising the cage at each stage. This tiered approach preserves the integrity of the surrounding road base. At the pavement level we are following the same stringent requirements set forth in the original road building specifications. We are leaving no corners or irregular shapes to cause future maintenance issues. We are sealing the interface between the existing road and the repair to guard against water penetration.
lifting and carrying
backfill process

The benefits of the Cookie Cutter system.

  • It’s fast!
  • Clean
  • Safe
  • 20% less material in and out
  • No maintenance corners
  • Protects adjacent road base
  • Better compaction
  • Protects utilities from mechanical damage
  • Meets silica regulations
  • Requires less equipment
  • Attractive finished product
  • Durable repair
  • Easily inspected
  • Fully certified safe cage
  • Full engineering specifications included


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