Manhole rebuilds
Manhole rebuilds - Subcategories
Manhole rebuilds - Articles
1. Using the B-52 Cutter
2. Using the Centering System
3. Using the Manhole rebuild Package
4. Using the Water Valve Repair Package
5. Replacing teeth and receiver strip
6. Using the Rental Package
7. Using the Easy-Slope Tool
8. Using the Mr. Manhole Rebuild Package
9. Using the Mr. Manhole Rebuild Package
10. Video one title: Installing the Mr. Mister. Video two title: Using the Mr. Maister
11. Video one title: Assembling the Mark-Rite tool. Video two title: Using the Mark-Rite tool
12. Using the Platinum Casting Lifter
13. Using the Casting Lifter
14. Round Manhole Repairs vs. Square Manhole Repairs
15. Frost Heave in Colder Climates
16. How do you adjust manhole frames/lids?
17. Why use a Mr. Manhole Cutter for Repairs?
18. Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Contractors
19. A Manhole shouldn’t be a pothole
20. Manhole repair systems
21. Mr. Manhole allows you to work year round
22. What municipalities need to be asking in the bidding process
23. Case Study: Ames, Iowa
24. Case Study: Van Wert, Ohio
25. The Cleaner Magazine featuring The Mr. Manhole System at work!
26. The cost savings of the Mr. Manhole system
27. Stormwater Management, Inflow, and Infiltration Prevention
28. Case Study: Lexington, Kentucky
29. 5 Questions to Ask a Potential Contractor for Manhole Frame and Lid Adjustments.
30. Should you hire traffic control, or do it yourself?
31. The Difference Between Storm Sewers and Sanitary Sewers
32. Is the Mr. Manhole repair system state approved?
33. Does the Mr. Manhole System Meet OSHA Silica Regulations?
34. How to keep your workers safe during manhole repairs
35. Mr. Manhole goes to China: Our 2019 Trip to Guangzhou, China
36. Hawaii Case Study
37. How to avoid injuries with jackhammers
38. Work Smarter, Not Harder
39. Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs: Common Claims and How to Avoid Them
40. Introducing the Mr. Manhole Debris Shield
41. Providing Roadwork Solutions during the COVID-19 Crisis
42. The Importance of Timely Manhole Repairs
43. 5 Ways Replacing a Manhole Cover Benefits the City
44. If You are a Street Paver, Dealing With Manholes Wisely is a Must!
45. Manhole frame and Lid Adjustments Pay Off!
46. Why You Need a Specified Manhole Repair Method
47. Manhole Repairs Can Wreck Your Crew Safety Record
48. I have a manhole lid that I can't remove, How can I remove it?
49. Can I just use a lift ring at the next paving cycle?
50. What if I have a Mr. Manhole rebuild in place and for some reason I want to remove and replace it.
51. I want asphalt to grade in my manholes, is that a good option?
52. What are all the available methods for using the steel plates (Newcon method)?
53. Can I install the Mr. Manhole rebuild system during cold weather?
54. Is frost and cold weather an issue for durability of the Mr. Manhole rebuild system?
55. What if I need to adjust a Mr Manhole repair that was installed previously?
56. Does the Mr. Manhole rebuild system have an engineering specification?
57. How can I be sure I'm ordering enough material to repair a specified number of manholes?
58. What is the big deal about leakage in the manhole chimney section?
59. why are round manhole repairs the best
60. How long will the manhole repair market last?
61. Who actually decides how manholes are to be repaired?
62. What equipment is required for a five man crew doing manhole rebuilds the Mr. Manhole method?
63. How many manholes can a five man crew remove and rebuild in an eight hour day?
64. I'm bidding a large manhole frame adjustment project that specifies the Mr. Manhole method. What should I look for when doing a preliminary inspection of the job site?
65. How do I calculate the ready mix concrete requirements for my project?
66. Is the liner material in the Mr. Manhole rebuild system adequate to support the weight of traffic?
67. Do I really need to use the rebar circles in the concrete repairs?
68. Why do I need to create an edge around the outside edge of the repair when smoothing it off?
69. Manhole Rebuild Package
70. Do the teeth require cooling fluids when cutting?