Why would I purchase the Mr. manhole cutter instead of another brand?

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The Mr. Manhole cutters are designed, built and sold by an American company that specializes in building tools and methods exclusively for manhole repair. The Mr. Manhole cutters are the only field adjustable for multiple cutting diameters in the world. The Mr. Manhole cutters cut faster, larger, and deeper than any other cutter. You can remove and rebuild water valve boxes. The Mr. Manhole cutters work with the Newcon steel plate method and no other cutter can do that, The Mr. Manhole company offers the absolute best of service and support. Mr. Manhole offers the only fully engineered manhole chimney repair system in the world. If you add all that up there really is no other option.

Resource Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5CfEBwJWUw
Additional Link: https://mrmanhole.com/about-us/

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